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1917-2017: against the war, socialism, more than ever!

The 8th internationalist meetings of Vénissieux will be held on November 24th and 25th, 2017 … It’ will be an exceptional one with the participation of delegations from the Chinese Communist Party, from the Russian Communist Party (KPRF) ,and from the Embassy of Cuba in France.

As with previous ones , the 2017 Internationalist Meetings will enable activists from Vénissieux and its surroundings, and from other regions of France, to better understand the world, the struggles of the peoples, and the action of the Communists. We cannot understand and therefore change anything in France, if we do not look at France as part of the world, of the violence of capitalist globalization, and of the resistances and the successes of the People

For the 100th Anniversary of the Great October Revolution, our Internationalist Meetings will emphasize the impact of the October Revolution on the twentieth century. We will emphasize its relevance for Socialism as a solution in the twenty-first century against the violence of capitalist globalization .

We are proud to give voice to Communist Parties that are symbols of socialism. We are proud to break the demonization of Socialism by the media. We are proud to open a wide debate on the history of Socialism, on its social, cultural, democratic, technological successes in the twentieth century, but also on its dramas and failures, on the shock of the capitalist restoration after the dissolution of the USSR, on the ongoing Communist debates on Socialism in Russia, in China, in Cuba … and everywhere else !

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